If you'd like to get a refund, kindly contact our customer support within 14 days of purchase and provide detailed information regarding the issue. Please be ready to provide us with some form of visual proof that the product was faulty.
Please kindly note that we cannot offer a refund if you simply changed your mind and don’t want the book. We create each personalized book with special care, so take your time to decide if you want it before making the purchase.
If you would like to submit a refund request, please use the form below. A customer service representative will get back to you within 1–3 business days. Once a refund is issued, you will receive an automatic confirmation of it to your email address.
Once a full refund is issued, you will no longer have access to the product. All refunds are transferred to the account that was initially used to pay for the product. By purchasing from our website, you agree to this refund policy and relinquish any rights to subject it to any questions, judgment, or legal actions.
Please note
If you dispute or request a chargeback for the purchase with your credit card provider, we will not be able to refund the transaction, and it might take months until the final resolution is settled. Cases closed in the merchant's favor cannot be reversed. We kindly ask you to stay patient and give us a chance to resolve it directly with you.